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hypercli is a Python package that provides an elegant solution for interacting with command line tools. It offers a menu-based command line interface (CLI) that allows users to navigate through different options and execute functions based on their choices.


  • Generate menu-driven CLI programs with ease using decorators
  • Customize the menus, options, and visual styles according to your requirements
  • Supports nested menus and navigation between menus


You can install hypercli using pip. Open your terminal and run the following command:

pip install hypercli


To use hypercli, import the Hypercli module from the hypercli package and create an instance of the Hypercli class. You can then define your menus, options, and functions to be executed. Finally, call the run() method to start the CLI interface.

Use the Reference for more information on the configs, methods, and resources available in hypercli.

Here's an example of how to use hypercli:

# import hypercli
from hypercli import Hypercli

# create an instance of hypercli
cli = Hypercli()

# configure the instance
cli.config["banner_text"] = "HYPERCLI"
cli.config["intro_title"] = "Intro"
cli.config["intro_content"] = "Generate enhanced menu-driven CLI programs with ease!"
cli.config["show_menu_table_header"] = True

# add navigation options to the menu"Main Menu", "Mathematics Menu")"Main Menu", "String Menu")

@cli.entry(menu="Main Menu", option="Greeter")
def greet():
    name = input("Enter your name: ")
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

@cli.entry(menu="Mathematics Menu", option="Add two numbers")
def add(num1=1, num2=1):
    a = int(input(f"Enter first number (default {num1}): ") or num1)
    b = int(input(f"Enter second number (default {num2}): ") or num2)
    print(f"{a} + {b} = {a + b}")

@cli.entry(menu="Mathematics Menu", option="Subtract two numbers")
def sub(num1=1, num2=1):
    a = int(input(f"Enter first number (default {num1}): ") or num1)
    b = int(input(f"Enter second number (default {num2}): ") or num2)
    print(f"{a} - {b} = {a - b}")

@cli.entry(menu="String Menu", option="Reverse a string")
def reverse():
    string = input("Enter a string: ")

@cli.entry(menu="String Menu", option="Show length of a string")
def str_length():
    string = input("Enter a string: ")
    print(f"Length of string is {len(string)}")

# run the cli



This project is licensed under the MIT License.